3 min read

COMPUTERS FOR FOREX - With the globalization of technology we can make from trading anywhere in the world, just we need an internet connection.

Today we have powerful laptops and tablets allowing us to operate in the foreign exchange market still in earlier times the privilege of a few.

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Each trader uses a computer according to the strategy implemented in the marketplace usually they use a computer with a high data processor capacity.

If we are starting in the currency market and are intraday trader (Making several operations the same day) and data need to work around time, ideally a computer that meets our needs in terms speed and sufficient EFFICIENCY.

one of the tasks that a trader is:

A -) Data Processing: Programming strategies, real-time data, analysis quantitative process requiring the information for which you need a high power equipment.

B -) Work several graphs at once: With a computer connected to a monitor thanks to the HDMI output of existing laptops, or computer table, several graphics cards to connect multiple monitors at once, taking two monitors for each graph.

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C -) Optimization of trading: This is to work with statistical and mathematical models These operations require a more powerful computer to avoid losing speed processing and to perform several tasks at the same time.

The ideal is the mountain grafhite 10 who has an Intel 74750 processor and 86 h HQ RAM has a hard drive of 128 GB SSD that allows faster

Power, speed of data transmission is 750 GB screen resolution of 1600x 900. Ideal for the constant flow of information and analysis of graphs data and indicators for trading, size 14 inches.

- In Analysis we prefer computers with WINDOWS OS and practicality for the use of office tools such as Excel.

- In The area of ​​content use both Mac and Windows, many trader not They work with MAC that does not have the ability to work with and excel ProRealTime, which are the most widely used tools in the trading and analysis.

We can choose between three different operating systems: -Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 linux.

Windows 7 is better because the windows 8.1 is more suitable for devices tactile as tablets and smartphones.

other varieties of the mountain is that it has many ranges as no option to choose from a single computer or for a mountain slim 544G mountain everyday and graphite 10 for intensive.

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